### Mark Bone–Cinema Lut Pro for Sony SLOG/Canon CLOG/High Saturation Cinema LUTs
Mark Bone’s Cinema Lut Pro offers a collection of high-quality LUTs specifically designed for Sony SLOG and Canon CLOG, as well as high saturation cinematic looks. Over the past decade, these LUTs have been meticulously crafted and are used in professional documentaries and commercial films.
This pack includes 16 unique LUTs tailored for Sony, Canon, and other log-based cinema and mirrorless cameras. There are specific LUTs for Canon CLOG and Sony SLOG to maximize the color science of these cameras.
These LUTs are what I use daily. They enhance skin tones, add depth and contrast to lighting, and bring a subtle yet strong cinematic color to the image without pushing it towards cyan and orange tones. These files are very personal to me.
I am thrilled to finally share them with the filmmaking community for all filmmakers to enjoy.
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