Alister Benn’s Expressive Landscape Post-processing Dodge & Burn Masterclass – with English and Chinese subtitles
As a photographer, Alister Benn brings a unique perspective to the art of photography. In his Dodge & Burn Masterclass, he explores various techniques for dodging and burning images, while delving into the reasons behind each decision. Every adjustment we make has consequences; it can convey an idea, evoke a feeling, or express an emotion. Alister demonstrates how to predict and fine-tune these elements to create distinctive and expressive photographs.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this course will expand your horizons and transform the way you approach image processing.
Please note that this video was recorded in 2020 when Lightroom and Photoshop versions were different from today’s interface. However, the concepts and techniques remain valid.
What will you learn?
– How your personality influences your editing process
– Capturing the true essence of the world
– Creating depth in your images
– Making significant changes effortlessly
– Mastering dodge & burn tools in Lightroom
– Utilizing all dodge & burn tools in Adobe Camera RAW
– Best practices for dodge & burn in Photoshop
– History brush/light mask/lab adjustments
And much more…
Format: MP4, 1920×1080 resolution with AAC audio encoded using H.264 codec – 30 video tutorials spanning over 7 hours.
Total download size: 7.3GB divided into three parts.
About the author:
Alister Benn is a full-time professional landscape photographer, educator, and musician. For over ten years he has been teaching expressive landscape photography while believing that expression and creativity are inherent within all of us. He challenges traditional rule-based education as it often creates barriers between us and our unique voices.
Alister is also an author of numerous ebooks covering various aspects of creative processes.
He co-founded Expressive Photography Ltd with his wife, Ann Kristin Lindaas, and they reside in a small village on the west coast of Scotland.
In 2021, Alister became a member of the Royal Photographic Society.
Table of Contents:
Part 1:
1. Course Introduction – 04:35
2. Craft vs Creativity – 04:25
3. Introduction to Expressive Processing – 05:23
4. Emotional Histograms – 09:00
5. Brightness and Contrast – 11:19
6. The Three Dimensions – 11:33
7. Global Adjustments Overview – 09:56
8. Different Types of Transitions -28:11
9.Masking (Working Example) –19:25
10.Lightroom Summary (Working Example) –21:38
11.Lightroom Final Working Example –19:32
12.Adobe Camera Raw Working Example –18:36
13.Photoshop Introduction-06:43
14.Introduction to Masks in Photoshop-16:28
15.Dodge & Burn Techniques in Photoshop-16:29
16.History Brush Part I-Settings–13 :26
17.History Brush Part II-Additional Adjustments–10 :13
18.History Brush and TK Panel–19 :10
19.LAB Color Space–10 :14
20.Finnish Working Example–19 :16
21.Moroccan Working Example–20 :34
22.Forest Working Example I–05 :55
23.Forest WorkingExample II–08 :19
24.SpanishWorkingExampleinPhotoshop–17 :17
25.CanadianWorkingExampleinPhotoshop–24 :17
26.Course Conclusion –02 :15
Bonus Material:
Best Dodge & Burn Methods Ever! –22 :01
How to Use History Brushes in Photoshop Part I –13 :04
How to Use History Brushes in Photoshop Part II –18 :56
How to Use History Brushes in Photoshop Part III –19 :43
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