CINEGRADING – Hollywood Film Orange Green Color Grading LUT Preset + CINE TEAL ORANGE LUTS
CINEGRADING – Hollywood Film Orange Green Color Grading LUT Preset + CINE TEAL ORANGE LUTS
Experience the unique blue-green and orange LUTs package you need. These cutting-edge LUTs are inspired by modern Hollywood films, giving you the cinematic look you desire at an affordable price.
Stand out from the crowd
In today’s highly competitive film and video industry, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game. One way to achieve a look and feel that surpasses your competitors is through our +Film Blue-Green and Orange LUTs. Let them give you a great starting point.
The science behind the blue-green and orange look
This color combination is highly effective because blue-green and orange are complementary colors, adding harmonious, visually pleasing color contrast to your images. Warm colors (red, yellow, brown) lean towards orange while cool colors (blue, green, purple) lean towards blue-green. The result is stunning skin tones that shine against cool-toned shadows.
Universal. Multi-dimensional data set format
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