Benj Villena – SCENES Preset Pack
Introducing the “SCENES Preset Pack,” a beautiful collection that can transform your photos into cinematic masterpieces. This pack, carefully crafted and now my personal favorite for all photography, aims to encapsulate the emotions hidden in every photo. In the SCENES preset pack, you will find a range of versatile .xmp and .dng files labeled as SCENES 01-08. Each file has been customized to bring a unique cinematic style to your images. Additionally, the pack includes SCENES Modifiers, a set of unique tools that further enhance and customize your photos to perfectly match your envisioned mood. Each preset has been meticulously developed to ensure that your images evoke the desired emotions and depth in any situation. To guide you in fully utilizing the potential of these presets, detailed “Read Me” PDFs are included. Elevate your photography with the SCENES preset pack and infuse each scene with the essence of cinema.
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