Casey Neistat’s 30-Day Filmmaking Masterclass with English and Chinese Subtitles
Casey Neistat’s 30-Day Filmmaking Masterclass with English and Chinese Subtitles is a comprehensive video tutorial series by Casey Neistat, the father of vlogging. Unlike focusing on equipment and shooting techniques, Casey emphasizes on the overall approach and mindset. However, it is still up to you to interpret and apply these concepts in your own way. This is just my personal perspective.
For me, what stands out the most about Casey’s videos on YouTube is that they are mostly shot from a first-person perspective. In one episode of this series, there is behind-the-scenes footage showing Casey’s entire shooting process from a third-person perspective. It becomes evident that he doesn’t get everything right in one take; he repeats shots multiple times and experiences frustration and mistakes along the way.
I have learned a lot from this masterclass, but it is important to have some basic knowledge of editing software because Casey doesn’t cover fundamental operations. Instead, he focuses on sharing his ideas and methods. Overall, it’s an excellent course that I highly recommend!
Become a better filmmaker and storyteller within 30 days.
In this month-long course, learn from renowned filmmaker and YouTube pioneer Casey Neistat. Follow along with his creative process as you complete two films of your own to share.
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