Ramtin Kazemi: The Application of Color in Landscape Photography Post-processing and Composition – English Subtitles
KelbyOne – Enhancing Landscapes with Color Tools in Photoshop
Ramtin Kazemi: The Application of Color in Landscape Photography Post-processing and Composition – English Subtitles
English + English Subtitles | 1080P | No Materials
Discover the art of harmonizing colors in your landscape photos! Join Ramtin Kazemi in this class dedicated to adjusting, adding, and fine-tuning the colors of your landscape images to take them to the next level. In this lesson, you will learn about color harmony, how to skillfully use different target and adjustment tools in Photoshop, and complete a series of projects showcasing powerful techniques for various photography scenarios.
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As a photographer, understanding how to enhance the colors in your landscape photographs is crucial. Join Ramtin Kazemi in this KelbyOne class as he shares his expertise on using color tools in Photoshop to bring harmony and vibrancy to your images. Through a series of projects, you will learn the art of color harmonization and how to effectively use different adjustment tools in Photoshop for various photography scenarios. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, this class will take your landscape photography skills to the next level.
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